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The Potential Costs of Farting in Public…


“Totally Insane” would adequately describe the Tory government and its legislative proposals.  I’m astounded at what I’ve just read – that farting in a public place can be considered as an “annoyance” and thus, under potentially new measures, can be deemed punishable under the new replacement for the dreaded ASBO, the IPNA (Injunctions to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance).  This Bill will apply to anyone aged 10 and over.  Just think, if your neighbour’s son or daughter blinks too many times or the binmen don’t put your wheelie bin back in the exact spot in which they found it and it annoys you, they could get locked up for it and potentially lose their home.

God only help you if the cat from 4 doors down shits all over your garden and you complain to its owner and they deem you confrontational and annoying…you could quite well end up with a substantial fine and a shitty garden.

If this Bill applies to all of us in the UK, then does it apply to IDS, George Osbourne and David Cameron too? Because, quite frankly, I find the privatization of the NHS annoying. So too the treatment of our disabled and most vulnerable of society.  I also find the whole “Workfare” scheme and its new spin-offs annoying. And what of MPs pay increase? And their expenses???  Under new proposals, the unemployed will be forced to work a 40-hour week for their £56.80 Unemployment Benefit (the new Universal Credit), doing millions of jobs magicked up by this government…jobs that apparently don’t exist with a living wage attached.  Not only do I find this annoying but totally preposterous too.  Expecting the unemployed to work a whole week for less money than each individual MP claims for just 1 days’ dinner voucher?

The following articles are both factual and very interesting and surely worth the read:


Now to find a solution for my poor garden…I’ve suddenly become allergic to cats.


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